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Denied Wrongfully banned

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Length of ban: 2 hours
Banned by: Zailo
Ban reason: Disrespect after warning
Why should you be unbanned? We went to raid a base and it had a building sign on it and told us to stop bc we didn't see it. We stopped and he told us to leave and we left. So then we went to another base and started to raid it and he told us that we had to wait 10 minutes. We didn't have to wait bc it wasn't a raid since there was a building sign on the last one. He then proceeded to warn me without talking to me and the reason for the warning was "dabest". Then after that I said fuck that I'm putting this on the fourms and he banned me for 2 hours for disrespect.
If you where rightfully banned, have you learned your lesson? Wrongfully
If wrongfully banned, do you have proof? Check report a player post I just made
Additional information about your appeal:
This kid doesn't know what he is doing and is power hungry. He is going to start banning people left and right.
Also this is the punishment for Disrespect

Staff and Players Disorderly Conduct - Acting hostile or dissing toward a staff member or a player.

Diss x1 - Warn
Diss x2 - Warn and Mute/Gag for 10 Minutes
Diss x3 - Ban for 12 hours
Each diss after 3rd will count as 12 hours each.
I saw in admin chat someone had requested an admin. I went to the base were you were raiding with two of your friends, already killing one of the players inside of the base and breaking multiple walls to get inside. I told you to stop, and that it would be a verbal warning for raiding a base with a building sign. After you had walked away, you disrespected me and I told you, "This will be your only warning for disrespect, if you continue to disrespect you will be banned.". Approximately five minutes later you announced another raid, not waiting the ten minutes as stated in the rules. I told you I was going to warn you and you exploded into a temper tantrum, disrespecting me once again. Using console for the first time to issue a warn, the reasoning came out wrong which I fixed after you were banned. You are an old player who should know the rules by now, and recently have been minging and disrespecting staff anytime you get a chance. I feel that this punishment was justified.
I saw in admin chat someone had requested an admin. I went to the base were you were raiding with two of your friends, already killing one of the players inside of the base and breaking multiple walls to get inside. I told you to stop, and that it would be a verbal warning for raiding a base with a building sign. After you had walked away, you disrespected me and I told you, "This will be your only warning for disrespect, if you continue to disrespect you will be banned.". Approximately five minutes later you announced another raid, not waiting the ten minutes as stated in the rules. I told you I was going to warn you and you exploded into a temper tantrum, disrespecting me once again. Using console for the first time to issue a warn, the reasoning came out wrong which I fixed after you were banned. You are an old player who should know the rules by now, and recently have been minging and disrespecting staff anytime you get a chance. I feel that this punishment was justified.
It isn't what you feel is justified. You have to go off the punishment listings bc thats how everyone knows the rules. It doesn't matter if I'm a new player or old player. The punishment for second time disrespect is a warn and a 10 min gag/mute. You can't just start making up your own time lengths for bans. I'm not trying to be a dick in this situation but you messed up.


Active member
Although he wasn't following the punishment guide but I do see that time to time you would mess with him a lot. Like from last night, I had to tell you multiple times to remove your building signs from his base. This ban is only 2 hours and I'm sure you can wait it out. Next time, just don't mess with him if you're not willing to get banned.

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