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Sticky Server Rules

Basic Rules
  1. Use common sense.
  2. No roleplay in spawn.
  3. Do not cheat or exploit in anyway.
  4. Do not attempt to find/abuse loopholes in the rules.
  5. Do not Voice/Text spam.
  6. Do not advertise other servers or Porn sites.
  7. No DDoS Threats
Refunding Lost Items
  1. Record your game play just in case of anything happens.
  2. Remember that we can only refund your lost items if you have proof.
Default Laws of the City
  1. Weapons larger than pistols are illegal.
  2. Mugging/Raiding is illegal
  3. Production of contraband is illegal
  4. Murder is illegal unless in self-defense.
  5. Contraband is illegal. Examples of Contraband: Drugs, explosives, money printers, lock pick, keypad cracker and weapons larger than a pistol.
General Rules
  1. Do not RDM. Random Deathmatching. Do not kill people without a valid rp reason. Crossfire, misclicks, and other accidents are considered RDM.
  2. Avoid metagming. This means that you cannot use information given to you outside of roleplay to your advantage within roleplay.
  3. Do not prop minge. Do not spam, kill, or grief with props.
  4. Do not impersonate players/staff.
  5. Don't demote someone for breaking a rule unless there are no admins online to handle the situation.

Building Rules
  1. While building, you may place a visible text sign that displays "Building" to let other players know you are building.
  2. Do not have entities in your base with a building sign up.
  3. Raiding shouldn’t be impossible, you should be able to raid the base with the supplies found in the black market dealer.
  4. A base may have up to 2 fading doors as entrance and up to 1 fading door for other rooms.
  5. Keypads should be visible from the door.
  6. Your keypad length must be at least 5 seconds without any initial delays. This is enforced through the tool.
  7. KOS signs are allowed but it must be visible and reasonable. No "KOS if Near" or "KOS if on the Street".
  8. World Glow is not permitted.
  9. Do not make maze or overly complicated bases.
  10. All black bases are not permitted.
  11. You may not have a foot/head/crouch trap base.
  12. Shooting windows must be fair and not one sided
  13. Any one way prop is not permitted.
  14. You may only have up to 1 base.
  15. You may not have a skybase.
  16. You may not build on rooftops.
  17. Bases that alter movement speed while going through the base are not permitted. [Bases that force you to crouch or make you slide]
Mega-basing Rules
  1. You may take part of the map that isn't near spawn as a megabase but you must have at least 4 players in your gang/party.
  2. You must get permission from staff to megabase.
  3. Your megabase must comply with our building rules.
  4. Staff can remove your megabase if found not complying to our building rules.
  5. One mega-base per island.
Raiding Rule
  1. You may not raid as a non-raiding class.
  2. Do not meta-game while you're raiding.
  3. You must wait 10 minutes in between raids and 20 minutes in between raiding the same base.
  4. Hobo’s can only raid as a group [minimum of 3 hobos]
  5. You must wait 15 minutes in between Police Department raids.
  6. Do not raid open bases. [Bases that clearly show no reason to raid]
Counter Rules
  1. You cannot counter as a non-raiding class.
  2. You can counter raiding and mugging.
  3. You have to wait 10 minutes to counter again.
Government Rules
  1. Government jobs are not allowed to own their own separate base. Their home is the Police Department.
  2. Follow and enforce the laws specified by the Mayor or Law Board.
  3. Don't randomly arrest players.
  4. You should only weapon check within the Police Department, Unless given permission.
  5. Do not abuse the stun stick. [constantly hitting someone for no reason]
  6. Corruption is allowed but demotable.
  7. No baton rush. When someone is shooting at you/your party, you must shoot back to kill.
  8. You may AOS/KOS past second door of the Police Department.
  9. Mayors have freedom making their laws as long as they’re within roleplay. [example of a roleplay law: CP disrespect. Example of a non roleplay law: being black is illegal]
Truck Rules

  1. Armored Truck Rules: The whole purpose for this is for Criminals Vs. The Government. This means that criminals or classes that can raid should not be killing other criminals or classes that can raid over this.
  2. Intel Transport Truck Rules: Classes that are allowed to raid may rob this truck and kill each other over it.

Jobs That Can Raid
Gangster, Hitman, Kidnapper, Mob Boss, Thief/Skilled Thief, Terrorist, Parkourist, Goverment Jobs, Medic

All rules are subject to change.
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