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Moist Clam Application for Moderator.

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Roleplay Name: Moist Clam

SteamID: Haven't signed on recently.

Age: 21

Time played on server: Well over 2 years.

Do you have a microphone?
- I do have a microphone/headset.

What timezone are you in?
- UTC ( Arizona )

What times are you active on the server?
- All night, I work night shifts as an Armed Guard at a chemical plant so nights off I intend to be on 6 pm - 6 am.

What set you apart from the rest?
- Honestly, not much besides the fact I'm well accustomed to the rules. I understand the main goal directed off by Tim for how he'd like the server to be ran. I want to help make the server more enjoyable for players and possibly help with designing.

Do you have any experience in being a staff member on a DarkRP server? If so, please explain your experience and past projects.
- I was a Server Admin for a couple months and got revoked for inactivity/being drunk everyday. Never broke rules as an SA however. And yes. I did go to rehab for my heavy drinking. ( Hint to why I disappeared )
"I understand the main goal directed off by Tim for how he'd like the server to be ran."

Judging by the past 3 servers Tim have put out, I don't even think Tim knows he'd like the server to be ran LOL.

Also, applications aren't being accepted/denied rn
"I understand the main goal directed off by Tim for how he'd like the server to be ran."

Judging by the past 3 servers Tim have put out, I don't even think Tim knows he'd like the server to be ran LOL.

Also, applications aren't being accepted/denied rn
Gotchya, I'm talking back when Vel Crow had it running decent and Nota. Everything just kinda fell apart but I miss the server and wanna help fix it up however I can.


New member
Staff member
Thanks Moist for your application. However we are in the middle of bringing TDRP back, currently we're not taking any applications. Please re-apply when the server is fully relaunched.
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